As the Sun and Pluto move through the closing degrees of Capricorn, we are being supported in letting go of that which doesn’t truly nurture our value.
The opportunity to birth new realities grow as we are able to put to bed stories, situations, and relationships that only supported our devaluation.
The Devine Mother is rising, gathering her lost children, and charging them to re-member their true devine legacies, destinies, and primordial roots. Do you know that you are the “salt of the Earth?”
As we begin to see ourselves through the eyes of “God” - as we re-member how precious and valuable we truly are - we set up new standards that our external realities have to embrace and emulate.
We did not come here to suffer.
That is a lie we were fed in order to sustain the distortions of the simulation that survived off of our own rejected God power. We have always been creating this world, and our own realities, based upon what we believed about ourselves. We are holographic beings.
It is time for all narratives that supported our descension and instability to be put to death. These stories came to life through us, and so they must be put to death through us too.
They can no longer use our energy fields to project their dystopian ideas and ideals. We no longer consent. Our “ships” are back under our own command. We are our own captains and authors.
As we divest ourselves of these lies that were designed to keep us disempowered, we access our devine truth again….and we rise once more from the ashes.
This energy is in full support of our rebirth. It is up to us though to align our minds and hearts with the fullness of our own power, beauty, strength, wisdom, abundance, and creativity.
It is time for us to re-member ourselves as true reflections of our Source/God, with all the power to create - endowed to us by our Devine Father and Mother.
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