Beware of the words and beliefs born from those who you once allowed into your heart and mind, only to have them dirty your essence with their muddy footprints.
Right now, many of you are at a time of reckoning. Sagittarius season provides us with the ability to alchemise the vast lessons we were put through during Scorpio season. As such, the challenge now will revolve around what stories we want to believe about ourselves. Do we want to keep believing those narratives that have had us producing expereinces that are beneath our value? Or, are we ready to tune into our higher expressions, and dial into the details of that self being actualised?
Every timeline we've ever lived through has been a product of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs based upon our past experiences. The timelines that want to come forth now may feel unimaginable to us because we have never expereinced these possibilities in this mind, in this body, and in this lifetime.
However, if you tune into the depths of your heart, you may find that these newer timelines are not new to your soul.
Your highest desires and aspirations exist because you are able to achieve them. Your own soul does not dangle carrots before you of what it is you want, without giving you a map of directions on how to get there and achieve the end goal.
We come into this life with a clearer vision of who we are and what we want, than when we exit. In childhood, we have "grandiose" ambitions and desires that we are then talked out of and told are not "practical." And indeed, the dreams we have will never be possible or practical to those who themselves have forgotten how to dream, and who they are.
So, be aware today of the thoughts you entertain about what is and what isn't possible for you. Is it true? Or is it the conditioned response born of having been convinced a long time ago that what your soul desired wasn't actually possible.
I have learned the hard way to listen to my soul before I heed the words of any person living outside of me. The truth is that nobody knows what it's like to live in this skin - with this mind, heart, personality, and the sum of all lifetimes of experiences that still dwell within my cells. My soul does though.
This past summer, I let it all go. I stopped chasing for what I thought would make me happy, and I had a simple conversation with my soul. I told Her to take the wheel, and to bring forth all that would bring us ultimate satisfaction. I admitted honestly to myself that I may not know exactly what it is I truly desire and need because of all the wounding and programming.
As I did this, my whole world as I knew it crumbled, and a new and more beautiful one began to emerge in its place - resplendent with possibilities I never could have accessed had I continued on the old path. Mirror souls appeared who reflected back to me the beauty and power I have, and that many tried to keep me unaware of. I learned what I truly wanted and desired would have passed me by - would have been completely crushed by the "logic" I had pledged my mind and belief systems to - if I hadn't surrendered to the voice and true guidance of my soul.
And as my false empire came crashing down, I knew the only way out was to rest and trust in the power of my soul to take me into my true timelines. And that I did.
This has been one of the most grueling and fulfilling activations that I've ever had to walk through. And yet, it would make sense that to get back to the quintessence of who I actually am, would require a big and brave sacrifice of ALL that I never was, and had been strong armed and brain washed into accepting.
When it is time to take back the fullness of your truth, every lie that had you beholden to an old narrative will come knocking on your door, as if it's an old time friend, instead of the enemy it has always been. Show it the door, and declare the truth of who you are as it cowers out of your presence.
These thoughts that never belonged to you, and any entities they were attached to, cannot handle when you stand squarely in the truth of your power. Lies cannot be sustained in an honest environment.
So, be aware of the thoughts you are entertaining about yourself as you prepare to take off. Go into full observation mode, and weigh out the thought with the truth of who you now know you are. Go deep within your own soul, and ask it to show you how and why that thought pattern still exists. It will not hesitate to tell you what you need to know to be free from the story forever.
Right now, many of you are at a time of reckoning, and the only deciding factor over which timeline and experience you jump into next, will be what you believe to be possible for you.
So dream and think big. The sky was never the was always your own mind.
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