Your blooming in such a fresh idea kinda way

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Thank you so much Cheryl 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🤗🤗🤗

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Thank you for all you do. I appreciate all your posts. I like your organic delivery. The presentation are easily understandable for someone who is neurodivergent.

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Yay! That is like the ultimate compliment-thank you! As a fellow neurodivergent, and a mother to two fellow neurodivergents, I get our need to break everything down and for things to be explained fully. People used to make me feel bad for the way I talk and express myself….because I share all the details that correlate in my brain 🧠 😆😆

So glad that this trait is now appreciated, and can be put to good use in the dismantling and explaining of concepts that can sometimes be difficult to engage with or comprehend. Thank you friend 🙏🏾🤗🤗🤗

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I am totally in self-care mode the past few days. Cold weather & wind related Fibromyalgia flare. Ugh. Self-care is so important. Thank you @Solarah for the wonderful reminder and the Word For Your Day.

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You’re so welcome!!! I’m sorry about your flare up - I can relate. Just had to do a complete overhaul of my diet because I had become a little too complacent with what I ate…..in comparison with what my body needs because of autoimmune issues.

It’s hard when you’re tired and juggling a lot, but I’m coming back to that place of seeking and following what is most important in the maintenance of my own self-care above all other things. And it feels good ☺️

Sending you so much love as you do this too for yourself in your own way. May your body feel safe enough to dwell in painless ness 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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Oh the diet plays a major part. I have been so indulgent since my surgery, eating way to much sugar and that did not help at all. Now I am trying to cut back with that too. Sugar is my last vice. I gave up the cigs when I had surgery! Here's to both of us feeling less pain and taking more time for self care!

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I hear you….sugar is my comfort too ☺️

Well done on kicking the smoking habit! That can’t have been easy. I second you on us both feeling less pain and advancing in our abilities to guiltlessly look after ourselves in how we need to. Sending you love and admiration 🤗💙💫

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Sometimes we need to indulge in foods that might not be good for us and not feel guilt. We are, of course only human and we can only do our best. 💫💙💫

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Absolutely…I agree ☺️

All in balance, right? Food is also emotional in nature, and we should honour that aspect of our relationship to it as well as the health aspects. We are here to enjoy too 💙💙💫💫

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Feb 16, 2024
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Definitely time to rest, and in this May you find that everything is on time for you - may your own timing and rhythm be restored and validated 🤗🤗

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