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Age of Pisces is the time where the least amount of light can reach us from the universe. Age of Pisces is a deceptive time period. Age of Aquarius is where my angel guides tells us we are in and moving into more now. The waters of light are brackish so to speak.

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Oooooh this peaked SO MUCH awareness in my field. I am a double Virgo with my sun in the 12th, in the process of a massive identity death and deep work within the family constellation wounds- listening with your Alkhemy crystallized crucial knowings into place for a next depth to OPEN in my journey. I am noticing various densities infiltrate and provoke those around me, inevitably casting projections in my direction. I sense the invitation to confirm my well worn defenses and recreate the path of the past. BUT I find my Wholeness guiding, an expanse of my Soul frequency arriving and steering my trajectory into a Divinely crafted reality - liberated of distorted deceptions. Loved listening! Thank You for your medicine!!

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Beautiful message and weekend clearing. Sending you a big hug today!

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