Very recognizable... I also had this coming up in ceremonies this weekend. Sit with weakness and showing it without shame... the support that came back was something I've never experienced.

Big hug, thanks for sharing xx

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Absolutely!!! True vulnerability is what promotes intimacy and support, and it makes others feel safe to be vulnerable too. It’s a beautifully freeing experience, and I’m glad you can relate too. Much love 🤗🤗🤗

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Feel better soon Solarah! I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. Yesterday, I cancelled a patient visit in the morning because I wasn't OK and didn't want to push through with masking my true feelings just to show up for her. The idea of doing so felt painful and abusive to myself. It's relieving to commune with others to feel and understand the same. What a beautiful love letter to self this morning. By honoring where you're at, you're already getting stronger and more healed. Sending Light, Peace, and Progress to your guides and protections to lift you up during this time. It's ok to not be ok. Much love to you always, 💜🤗

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Thank you so much beautiful. I’m so glad that you looked after yourself in that way too. No more masking and sacrificing our own wellness and peace. My body has presented me the bill for all those years of martyrdom, and I will never put anyone above my own sense of inner stability again. I hope you’ve had a beautiful few days to rest and calibrate yourself. Sending you love and gratitude 🙏🏾🤗🤗🤗🤗

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I am doing wonderfully, thank you for asking. Sitting in the highest degree of self-acceptance I've yet attained. And basking in how delicious a peaceful mind and relaxed body feels to inhabit. ❤️

I so relate to your observations of a mother whose words did not match her actual feelings. "I'm fine" was really code for 'I'm not fine'. I had taken on her way of being until early adulthood.

Now I always take the time to answer those who ask me 'how are you?', honestly, and I am often met with surprise at my sincere reply rather than the automatic expected one. Sending you love, my sister! ❤️

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Thank you beautiful!!! I love how you turned it around to be authentic in your exchanges. I do the same now too. I’ve noticed that some people find it admirable, and it makes others uncomfortable….moreso here in the Uk than stateside ☺️

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Jun 14Liked by Solarah

I felt this to my soul.

Thank you so much for Sunrise Salutation #36.

I wish you Peace, Solarah! ❤️‍🩹

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You are so welcome!!! Thank you for listening 🙏🏾🤗🤗🤗

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Jun 14Liked by Solarah


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