Thank you. I enjoyed your thoughts!

"Wishing you an aligned day"... perfect! Alignment with our true self, with the Universe, with everything in and of the Universe, as we are all one. Alignment, Harmony, Balance, Synchronicity and Flow State... all real and my Souls sweet spot. I'm going to be 70 in January. I have had my Dark Nights of the Soul, my hero's Journey, my death, rebirth, my Transformation. I'm a fucking Timex watch, I keep on ticking and have 30+ more good years in me.

Synchronicity is the framework of the Universe and Serendipity is real. Nothing is a coincidence, but it’s not a pre-written script, not preordained. It’s Constant Creation and it’s limitless. Universe wants us to be our true, genuine self. It's The Way to become aligned with the energy and rhythm of the Universe and all Life. Trust, believe, feel, relish and resonate in the synchronicity and serendipity of life.... Synchronicity and Alignment are real!

It's all Tao... always.


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Thank you for the wisdom 💜

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Wow, this is amazing!!! I just had a drastic cut in my income but yet felt liberated and still blessed!!

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So fascinating, Solarah. I needed to listen to this today, on the train to work, as I don’t want to be trapped back in that busyness cycle. This was timely. 🙏💫

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