The energy of now feels like we are teetering on the edge of something big, and then we get momentarily pulled back into the emotions of old. There is a lot of back and forth energy that is occurring right now, as we deal with the issues that kept us beholden to certain patterns of thinking and behaviour….which then kept us producing the same scenarios and timelines.
Innerstand and overstand that the false matrix’ ultimate design was established to keep you and I stuck and looping through the exact same energies, themes, and timelines….just with different players. In other words, the whole point of the false matrix was to prevent beings from ascending and graduating into their true and organic higher timelines.
The more “stuck” and out of alignment we were, the more suffering we endured on this planet. When a soul gets stuck cycling through lessons it has long graduated from, it creates an existential crises so huge that it often then leads to breakdowns - mentally, emotionally, and physically. In this way, many ancient souls have perished, trying to make it in a world where they couldn’t even begin to touch the truth of who they were.
We are rapid cycling through the foundational energies that began the templates for these loops. If it has you feeling discombobulated, and emotionally and mentally confused at times, please know that you are not alone. Do everything you can to look after you through these crazy shifts, but also know that this is part of the death and rebirth cycles we are participating in with the Earth Herself.
As we make our way towards the New Moon in Scorpio next week, we are getting ready to birth the new financial infrastructures that will no longer be based upon false currencies earned by way of enslavement, but true value systems determined by frequency and soul wisdom. This is a return to the original primordial exchange settings which once ran the Earth….before the Atlantean fuckery caused a collapse into the looping timelines we are clearing now.
Life may be feeling very uncomfortable right now in a myriad of ways. The old ways we found false security are no longer hospitable to the timelines we are birthing. With each invitation to expand, we have to push through densities and fears that we’ve been avoiding. Once we enter the birthing canal though, we can’t go back. We can only move forward, or choose dead and expired timelines that don’t support us and take us deeper into abject suffering.
Birthing is never comfortable. It is full of stops and starts and pushing and pulling energies. And we must learn to lean into the experience, and move with the undercurrents of energy, if we don’t want to drown in the process, or add unnecesary complications and added pain.
I have heard many stories of women who have had orgasmic birthing experiences, and my Virgo and holistic health practitioner sensibilities become stimulated in innerstanding how that might be.
So, our experience of pain is wildly subjective, and fully dependent upon our own thresholds…which are very connected to the histories stored in our nervous systems. A nervous system in fight and flight mode is more open to pain experiences. Whereas a nervous system in parasympathethic (“rest and digest”) mode can overwrite that said pain. This is why so much of natural birthing, centres around breath control.
I believe that these women who experience orgasm in birth do so by way of mitigating all fear around the process, and dropping into their innate and instinctive power as women to bring forth life. In this knowledge, there is a sacred security they find that keeps them out of fear frequencies, and tuned into higher states of love and bliss.
This ability to tune into these higher frequencies means that their nervous systems stay relaxed, and they are therefore able to overwrite the pain of labour that is experienced by those who fear the process, and whose nervous systems have transitioned into survival mode as a result.
I say all of this because right now we all have a choice as we birth these timelines. We can lean into the intrinsic soul wisdom we have - knowing we were born for such a time as this. We can find such deep security in this truth and bring these new timelines in with joy. Or we can bring in new timelines in more painful ways that still link us to the old….by forgetting who we are and staying in fear. I think Mama Earth would like for us to tune into the pleasure principle. I think this is the only way a New Earth can be born.
The fact that these women were also able to achieve orgasm on top of mitigating their pain also shines light on something extra beautiful I think.
An orgasm is pure and raw creative energy. If we are to believe in the “big bang theory,” then maybe Earth began with an “orgasm.” New realities spring forth from the energy of sex….not just the act. This is th Ace of Wands principle in the tarot.
Sex is the intermingling of two polarities to create a third. Everything around us is sex in motion. The false matrix wanted us disassociating from this truth, and connecting with the exploitation of this energy instead of its magic.
An orgasm, or orgasmic energy, can set a whole new cycle into motion - breaking us out of stubborn loops and patterns we were stuck in due to fear.
I wonder if these women who give birth orgasmically are setting a foundation for their offspring whereby they are no longer beholden to generational patterns and stories that run through that lineage. I wonder if these birthing mother’s orgasms are able to set into motion beautiful timelines for their creations, as they welcome them out of the ethers, and the invisibility of their wombs, onto the Earth planes.
I wonder.
I wonder what Earth would look like if more of us were born by way of pleasure instead of fear. I wonder if we are being shown how to bring forth New Earth timelines by choosing to birth in pleasure and bliss….even in the midst of the growing uncertainty.
So, maybe practice tuning into the energy of the orgasm as you birth these higher timelines. Maybe indulge in more pleasure, rest and play. Orgasmic living isn’t just about sex as an act. Maybe it’s time to connect with the beauty of what it is you’re actually doing and bringing forth….more than the fear of the uncertainty that wants to come in and highjack your nervous system.
We are teetering on the edge of something big. What if we just gave in to the teetering feeling? What if we allowed ourselves to sink so deeply into the sweet aspects of this uncertainty, until we become awash with the pleasure of being in a new adventure and timeline?
On the edge of orgasm, nothing feels statically comfortable. As you’re just about to cum, that feeling is so intensely beautiful, but it is nothing you would want to stay suspended in for longer than those few moments. The cycle for that wave of sexual energy has reached its peak and it needs an outlet and way into expression or transmutation.
What if right now we are living in overextended pre-orgasm energy? Is this why we’re feeling so uncomfortable? What if the birthing of our new timelines requires for us to connect with the power of this orgasm and let go completely…to bring them into concrete existence?
What if?
Would it change the way we see our “discomfort?” I’m just musing, and am interested to hear what you guys think too.
In the meantime though, I wish you all a truly orgasmic day.
Utilise the power of this day of Venus and the Sun in Scorpio to get to the other side of your orgasm and into your highest timelines.
Solarah ✨✨
(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #127: Tuning Into The Energy Of Orgasm To Birth Higher Timelines