Thank you so much for being here today. And a special shout out and thank you to those of you who are monthly patrons and have extended your subscriptions here with me….in spite of all the fuckery. I so appreciate you guys. Thank you for your faith in me.
For those of you who want to join but can’t because of PayPal issues…please hang tight. I am figuring out a resolution to all of this craziness imminently.
My children and I have had a lot of unexpected personal upheaval these last four days, that took me away from my work and life plans and schedule, but I am getting back on track this weekend.
My weekend and Wednesday “Sunrise Salutation” messages are for my patrons, but I am being guided to keep today’s and tomorrow’s messages open.
I hope you all enjoy today’s “Sunrise Salutation.”
Much love and gratitude to you all!
Solarah 🙏🏾🤗✨
Every year – as the Sun moves through the final decan of Libra towards Scorpio – we enter into what I can only describe as a “dream weaving” portal. The tarot card that represents 20-29 degrees Libra is the Four of Swords. This is a card that can denote rest, pause, recovery and dreaming.
Alongside Taurus, Libra is the other sign of the zodiac that is ruled by the planet Venus. The justice and balancing qualities that Libra implements are rooted in beauty, and the devine feminine principles of reaping, sowing, and honouring the seasons and cycles that support the sustenance of beauty, richness, and regeneration for all organic life and life forms.
As creator beings, we have the intrinsic power to birth all things - in accordance with our own mental and emotional capacities, and the utilisation of our “imaginations” in bringing forth into the material what we only can see in our mind’s eye.
Being rooted in peace and stability in self, is what caters to the proliferation of the devine feminine magnetic energy, which calls all things towards us that we envision and hold in our psyches as being possible.
We are presently in a collective window of complete destruction and rebirth – very Scorpionic themes. As such, we are able to literally create very potently in this energy….and this is because all our building materials for creation are becoming ever more widely available as the old world is torn down.
You should also know that we are in a year of heavy Scorpio influence. 2024 is a number eight year, and eight is an astrological degree and number connected to Scorpio. As such, all the themes of this past year – since Scorpio season 2023 – have had very heavy themes of destruction, death, rebirth and transformation.
We have been going through the phases required to demolish the false matrix, and now we are entering into a building and rebuilding phase. And right on time, Pluto has just stationed direct to move out of Capricorn now for the last time in this cycle. The Age of Aquarius intiatives are in full swing, and once the planet of rebirth enters into Aquarius, it will be staying there until the rebuild of the New Earth is complete.
This means that we are now able to dream and create in ways we were programmed to think of as not being possible. We are less and less beholden to the programs of the false matrix that were designed to keep us in lack and limitation.
As we fall out of agreement with all that shackled, controlled, and programmed us away from our truth and power, we come into alignment with the mindsets, faith, and visions we need to create realities that we love and deserve. In doing so, we also are replenishing the Earth and bringing beauty and harmony back to Her planes.
It is a good time to dream and envision what it is you desire to bring forth that is in perfect harmony with yourself, your environment, and your circumstances. What do you need to thrive in all ways? What do you now know you are worthy and deserving of?
Vision board, meditation work, and “imagining” are all beautiful ways to connect now with your ability to create a life that is in alignment, in all ways, with who you actually are on a soul level.
Keep these plans safe – only sharing them with those who want to see you rise into the fullness of your beauty and potential, and who have the vision, faith, and openness to believe in your ability to get yourself there too.
We are in a potent window for conscious creation and co-creation. So, choose your thoughts, feelings, interactions, and conversations wisely. The power of life and death lies in your tongue and also begins in the mind. Utilise these powers to think and speak new realities into existence now.
Wishing you a dreamy day!
Solarah 💙✨
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