Thank you so much for being here today. And a special shout out and thank you to those of you who are monthly patrons and have extended your subscriptions here with me….in spite of all the fuckery. I so appreciate you guys. Thank you for your faith in me.
For those of you who want to join but can’t because of PayPal issues…please hang tight. I am figuring out a resolution to all of this craziness imminently.
My children and I have had a lot of unexpected personal upheaval these last four days, that took me away from my work and life plans and schedule, but I am getting back on track this weekend.
My weekend and Wednesday “Sunrise Salutation” messages are for my patrons, but I am being guided to keep today’s and tomorrow’s messages open.
I hope you all enjoy today’s “Sunrise Salutation.”
Much love and gratitude to you all!
Solarah 🙏🏾🤗✨
Be aware of the naysayers whose voices of cynicism rise as your power and belief in your own infinite wisdom rises.
There are many still learning who they actually are, and as you open doors to go higher in your own reality, their own intimidation and limited view of themselves - and what is actually possible-may be what resounds in all they see and feedback to you.
Be compassionate and patient with these beings. They are still a reflection of you and the timeline that you are shedding now. However, still be fiercely devoted to your own truth, intuition, and what you’ve been shown is next for you on your own journey. Let this old you - and their accompanying limited mindsets- go.
Remember also that nobody else was given the vision and blueprint for your life and where you’re headed. So, recalibrate yourself when you find yourself doubting and forgetting because of someone else’s opinion or viewpoint.
Dreams are constantly disturbed and destroyed by the faithlessness of those who have not been given the big picture that the dreamer already sees. They also don’t realise that the dreamer is weaving a way for them too - past the boundaries and borders of their own unbelief - and onto the path of their own Devine blueprint.
Whenever you rise up more and are getting ready to leap ahead even further, those who want to go where you’re going, but are too afraid to take the risk, will pipe up. Innerstand and overstand that these voices sometimes belong to other people, may be circulating through media, or may be the internal voices still attached to old programming it is time for you to shed.
In fact, any external interference only ever indicates that there is something internal being spotlighted for you to see, acknowledge, and tackle from within.
As a former Christian, I am still very inspired by the teachings of Yeshua. One thing I always noticed about him is that after every major soul activation he received - and before he would be called to demonstrate and embody this higher way of being - he would go off to be alone. He would go into Hermit mode - that Virgoan gateway that opens up for the higher perfecting of our souls when it is time for us to get alone to rise.
The best example of this is right after John the Baptist identifies him, and the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove. He was at a public gathering when all of this went down. However, the next thing we hear him doing is purposely going into the desert for forty days and forty nights to fast and get away from the external chatter.
It is said that Yeshua met Satan in this desert place, and was shown all the temptations of the world he could be rewarded if he would only denounce who “God” is to him.
I actually think that the “devil” Yeshua faced were the many voices and apparitions of his own self-doubt. I think he had been shown a higher reality and power that he had been sent to embody - by way of this interaction with John. I think he accepted this “prophecy” as truth because John was only confirming details about his own power that his own soul had already made him privy to.
I think Yeshua innerstood that if he was going to embody this higher truth and timeline, he would have to collapse all the densities within that kept him where he was presently. In other words, if he was going to connect to and activate his Christed energies to become the “miracle” worker on Earth he had been sent to be, he would have to confront every temptation and fear within, that still locked him out of embodying this truth.
In that forty day time period, Yeshua went through what many of us have been facing in this ascension, and since Virgo season specifically. He had to come against the limitations of his own mind, the temptation to chase the things that would give him temporary false security on this Earth, and he finally had to choose whether he was going to deny his true power and Devine identity…or rise into it.
This required for him to come face to face with all of his desires - the ones which were organic and true, and the ones that were a result of the fear and lust based programs of the false matrix. The biggest “devil” he faced was his own self-doubt that he had to eradicate when it arose to tempt him into realities and timelines that didn’t match who he was authentically, and who he came here to be on his own soul mission.
By the end of those forty days and forty nights, he had been thoroughly tested by his own soul, and could therefore embody and be who he knew he was, but couldn’t previously access, before that desert experience. He needed to confront and break past every layer of doubt, and every veil that lay in his own consciousness which told him convincing stories outside of the true story he was endeavouring to reach and live out.
He had to do combat with his higher and lower selves to emerge fully integrated in both. He had to access the true power of his own soul….past the fuckery and fakery of the false matrix, and all the ways it sought to overpower his internal harmony settings.
This is the path to “ascended mastery,” and Yeshua himself said we are all given access to it…and some of us would do even greater things than him, once we tuned into self and tapped out of the false matrix.
Many of you are now exiting out of a “forty day” desert experience cycle that was initiated through Virgo season. You have had to do all manner of battle with external circumstances and obstacles designed to force you to collapse densities withinthat were keeping you out of your own “promised land.”
Exit this cycle now with grace, confidence, and the power to shut down anything and anyone who seeks to minimise you in pursuit of the dreams and promises your soul fought to help you obtain.
Enter into a new portal of higher timelines - made possible by your stubborn resolve to not let go of your true story for a false matrix imposter one. This week’s upcoming full moon in Aries is helping you to get there more efficiently too.
Take the weekend to land and arrive into a new and higher story…more befitting of your true soul’s work and worth.
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