Solarah Speaks
(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #114: It Seems That None Of Us Actually Know What The F*%k We're Doing Right Now.....And That's Ok

(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #114: It Seems That None Of Us Actually Know What The F*%k We're Doing Right Now.....And That's Ok

AUDIO: Rising Reflections And Downloads With Solarah On Friday, October 4th, 2024

I just want to take a moment to say a huge “thank you” to all of you who are continuing on your subscription journey with me. And thank you to all of you who have reached out with kind words of encouragement and support - it truly has meant more to me than you may know.

Please bear with me as I use this weekend to bring everything to speed. If I haven’t yet responded to you, you will hear from me soon. If you don’t by Sunday, please assume that I haven’t gotten your message, and kindly forward it to me again.

I am adding new monthly subscribers to the email list today. This means you should receive the posts I send out on Saturday and Sunday via email if you recently joined. If for any reason you don’t please shoot me a message, and I will get you the post directly.

I love the community that is building here, and I am so grateful to all of you who allow for me to continue to show up and live in my purpose. Writing is, and has always been, the tool I use to make sense of a world that always made me feel like it didn’t want me.

Now, I get to use it to help myself and others create a world again that is loving and accepting of who we all are and the unique value we bring here…..while we recover together form all the abuse in our old timelines. Thank you for helping me to do this.

If you are interested in joining me here as a paid subscriber, please see the special available for membership until the end of the year.

I hope you enjoy today’s message!!!! And thanks again!!!

Right now you may not know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing, or how you’re supposed to be doing it. And that’s ok.

You may have a clear idea of where you want to be, but you don’t know how to get there yet. You may have used methods that opened doors for you in the past, only to find yourself hitting walls when you try those same doors. That’s ok too.

Right now we are in a new world. It may not feel like it, as we are still straddling the timelines of yesteryear, but we are no longer here to do things in the way we have in the past, or how we were programmed to believe would work. It’s really hard. And yet it’s still ok.

This is in fact the moment and opportunity that many of us have been healing and waiting for. And now we stand at a new door wanting to get in using our old access codes, and - surprise, surprise - that key code ain’t working. (Cue Cilla Black moment for my fellow Brits and Anglophiles

The rules of the game have changed, and they are now being written by you. So, get comfortable with calling the shots on your own timelines and realities. Where you once thought you couldn’t venture, you now have a pass. Where you once hid and found comfort, is denying you access.

Don’t be discouraged. You are actually getting exactly what you asked for. Allow the energies to settle a little, and give yourself permission to explore new paths and try new things. Trust yourself in your ability to care for your self in all ways - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. You are safe in your own hands.

As a people pleaser in recovery, and the designated scapegoat in my family, I became accustomed to living my life in accordance with other people’s whims, desires, and tastes. I still find it difficult to listen to what it is I need, and to follow through without guilt - especially when it has to do with other people.

For example, this morning I woke up in pain because my monthly friend has arrived. A few days ago even, I would have pushed myself to show up ad write before tending to my own needs and resting. Instead, I got my children settled, took a salt bath, poured myself a cuppa, and took the time I needed to settle into my own body before starting to create.

And I found myself doing all this with so much less guilt and shame than I would have carried in the past. I began to realise that the audience and community I am aiming to cultivate and grow here are very much like me too. We are all doing our best to liberate ourselves from the many ways we’ve been tethered into living and producing from shame, guilt, and fear. We are realising that our most potent and authentic work comes from being regulated and stable.

As I soaked in the tub, I found this message seeping from my soul and into my conscious awareness.

It seems that none of us really know what in the fuck we’re actually doing right now….and that’s ok. The truth is that none of us have really known what the fuck we’ve been actually doing the whole time. We’ve just been masking and pretending that we do. And now that we are naked and free, we can begin to create consciously and intentionally, instead of blindly and under duress.

And I know none of us have it easy right now. Many of you know my present circumstances, and truth be told that is just the tip of the iceberg that I share with you all in this space. However, in the gnarliest of our predicaments, there are these glimmers of hope surfacing that we never could access before.

I see it as us entering into out infinite and multidimensional abilities. How else are we going to activate our true powers to create ex nihilo, or from the ethers, if we are not put in situations where we feel we have no other way? How else are our “supernatural'“ gifts cultivated, if we don’t have need for “supernatural” interventions?

So, if you have hit a wall and can’t see your way out, sit down and take a breather. You won’t find the solution while you’re worried and anxious in any case. True and lasting solutions can only be born from calm and peace.

And as you take a break in your “corner,” breathe and ask yourself if the corner exists because it’s more real than you and your power to get free from it? Or, is it there as a testament to, and monument of, all the ways your old mind had you stuck believing in lies and limitations?

Is the corner something that exists because of your own limited creational skills? And if so… the only way out of it by exercising those same skills, but also tapping into your infinite wisdom and abilities?

There are so many self-appointed gurus and experts flinging their knowledge around right now because there is a high demand for guidance because of where we all find ourselves in a dying world. However, nobody has a formula to help you rise into the fullness of self. That information lies locked and guarded within the recesses of your own soul.

A true healer will never come to you with answers or keys, but they will help you find the map and internal wisdom you need to get to a place that only you have ever had real access to.

So, if you don’t where you’re going, what you’re doing, or how to get to where you feel you’re supposed to be right now, you’re in good company, and actually in a really powerful place.

Once we lose the ability to use old world solutions to solve our issues, we know we have entered into new world timelines. These timelines don’t judge us or hit us over the head for taking too long, or not getting the answers right instantly. These timelines are designed to help us heal and recover the integrity of our nervous systems so that we are once again able to create pure beauty.

These timelines help us to grow on our own terms, in accordance with our own rhythms and needs in every moment. It is not strange that they therefore feel foreign to us still.

They will feel more like home as we surrender control, let go of the rules that we needed to navigate through the old world, and accept ourselves in all ways as we cultivate the new processes we need to thrive.

Give yourself grace. The world is falling apart, and you’re trying to find your way in the midst. You’re doing really well considering all you’re being asked to sort through and carry.

You are safe in your own hands….you’ve got this.

Wishing you a peaceful and aligned day!


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