Solarah Speaks
(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #107: Seeing The Dangling Carrots And False Security Initiatives Which Bound Us Out Of Joy

(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #107: Seeing The Dangling Carrots And False Security Initiatives Which Bound Us Out Of Joy

AUDIO: Rising Reflections And Downloads For A New Day With Solarah
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Thank you for being here today, and a very warm welcome to my newest readers and subscribers. My heart is so full seeing all the ways that we’re growing together….in spite of the fuckery.

All my messages are inspired by my daily interactions with the Sun, and my experience of the collective and planetary energies, but the wisdom is timeless.

This means that my writings and recordings can be returned to again for guidance, or listened to on a different day when the words feel more aligned with what you are experiencing personally.

Thank you for all your love and continued support. I hope you enjoy today’s “SUNRISE SALUTATION” message.

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