Solarah Speaks
(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #105: Virgo Wants You So Sick Of Your Shit That You Break Past All That Has Kept You Playing Small

(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #105: Virgo Wants You So Sick Of Your Shit That You Break Past All That Has Kept You Playing Small

AUDIO: Early Rising Reflections And Downloads For A New Day With Solarah

Thank you for being here today, and a very warm welcome to my newest readers and subscribers. My heart is so full seeing all the ways that we’re growing together.

All my messages are inspired by my daily interactions with the Sun, and my experience of the collective energies, but the wisdom is timeless. This means that they can be returned to again for guidance, or listened to on a different day when the words feel more aligned with what you are experiencing personally.

This post is dedicated to my beautiful Virgo daughter, who has taught me the true beauty and wisdom of this sign. She showed up in my life, and within a few hours on this Earth gave me a “bombastic side eye” (as she calls it) that pretty much said to me: “do better.”

I was terrified in that moment - feeling like she was judging me in my uncertainty and fear around my capabilities of being a good mother. Fourteen years later, I know she was just administering some good Virgo medicine for my soul.

My children are both my guides in the flesh. My daughter, specifically, made her appearance on this planet as a Virgo master. Amongst her other cosmic duties, she came to help me see myself clearly, so I would stop settling for less than who I AM and what I deserve.

I learn this lesson harshly at times, but always with the love and protection of the Devine Mother who oversees my soul and its evolution. So, I know this Virgo medicine all too well. It is a lifeline, but one that requires death of old patterns in order to receive it.

May today’s post help you to innerstand the beauty of Virgo wisdom,

Thank you for all your love and support. Billing is still paused, but I am back with your “SUNRISE SALUTATION” messages. I hope you enjoy today’s channeling and guidance.

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