Solarah Speaks


AUDIO: Letting Justice Prevail - All Things Must Come Back Into The Natural Order That Promotes Harmony & Beauty

Since the 8-8-8 portal, we have been in a corridor of justice that was taking us into last night’s new moon eclipse. As we begin the new week, we enter into another 8-8 gateway on Monday, where the materialisation of this justice will start to become more tangible.

Innerstand and overstand that true justice is always rooted in love. Justice is not vengeance, but the rightful alignment and harmony that is restored when we come into agreement with who we actually are. Justice is the proper rebalancing of energies gone astray.

Justice is integral in keeping us all in harmony with self, one another, and the planet. Justice is what allows true beauty to flourish and be enjoyed by all.

This is how and why Libra can be ruled by Venus and also be the chief arbiter for justice on the zodiac wheel. True justice allows for us all to partake in living beautifully because this is actually our birthright, and the original proviso of the Devine Mother.

There was a lot of upheaval through Virgo season to prepare many of us for this moment. We lost a lot, and were charged to get rid of even more, but that was all in preparation for what is getting ready to come in.

We are a people who have become too accustomed with settling for less than what we deserve, and accepting that which is way below our value - all for the purpose of fitting in and getting by. But you weren’t born to just scrape by. All that you have been programmed to work and strive for has actually always been yours, and it’s time to wake up fully to this truth.

Virgo season came to tear us away from all the subtle ways we were allowing for these devaluation tricks to persist in our realities. Virgo would not let us arrive at our banquet with a stain on our shirt or lipstick on our teeth.

The shifts coming forth in our world are being made possible by brave souls like you and I…who refuse to bow down when the agendas of this world try to get us to succumb to their fucked up ways of being and doing things.

The more we depart from doing anything that goes against the true value of our souls, the more we are sending the ripples out that are also activating the Sun and its solar flare activities.

It has always been you. It has always been me. Everything we see was made by and through us. And if we unconsciously created the craziness from which we are trying to escape, imagine what we can birth now we have conscious control of our minds, hearts and destinies.

Allow the justice of this season to roll in like a wave and wash you clean of every act of self-betrayal and what you manifested from such acts. It is time for a new day - a day brought forth by caring, living, breathing, needing loving souls, who find harmony with one another because they have first sought it out within self.

Happy New Moon Eclipse to all you beautiful souls doing the work that has brought us here!!!

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