Solarah Speaks
(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #117: Enjoy The Process Of Becoming Who You Always Were…That Many Never Wanted You To See In Yourself, Let Alone Be

(Audio) SUNRISE SALUTATION #117: Enjoy The Process Of Becoming Who You Always Were…That Many Never Wanted You To See In Yourself, Let Alone Be

AUDIO: Rising Reflections And Downloads With Solarah On Monday, October 7th, 2024

I just want to take a moment to say a huge “thank you” to all of you who are continuing on your subscription journey with me. And thank you to all of you who have reached out with kind words of encouragement and support - it truly has meant more to me than you may know.

If you have emailed me before yesterday (Sunday 6/10), and you haven’t heard from me, please assume that I haven’t gotten your message, and kindly forward it to me again.

I love the community that is building here, and I am so grateful to all of you who allow for me to continue to show up and live in my purpose. Writing is, and has always been, the tool I use to make sense of a world that spat me out and always made me feel like it didn’t want me.

Now, I get to use it to help myself and others create a world again that is loving and accepting of who we all are and the unique value we bring here…..while we recover together form all the abuse in our old timelines. Thank you for helping me to do this.

If you are interested in joining me here as a paid subscriber, please see the special available for membership until the end of the year. The information is at the end of today’s message, which I hope you all enjoy!

Thanks again!!!

Allow for whatever needs to fall away and die, to do so now with grace. This window between last week’s new moon eclipse and next week’s full moon in Aries is a die off and re-adjustment period. What the eclipse allowed for you to shed, will be falling away to make room for what puts you in higher alignment with your truth and your power.

People and situations will be exiting your life to make way for newer opportunities that are in higher sync with the new trajectory and path you now find yourself on. You may find that you have once again entered a window where you are letting go of things that you no longer are resonating with. This is good and not to be fought against.

Many of you have held yourself back in your full expression because of fear of making others feel insecure. Many of you have been held back from being all that you are because you had people who didn’t truly value you refusing to relinquish their hold on your energy.

Many of these people couldn’t stand to see you winning, so you took on self-deprecating behaviours to make them feel more comfortable in your presence. They wanted you acting like a domesticated, well trained house cat, when you were born to be a lion.

We sometimes don’t realise how much having envious beings in our midst can have an effect on our frequency, resonance and output….especially if we are highly empathic, clairsentient, or sensitive to energy. The more open your heart and channel are naturally, the more easily you are influenced by other people’s thoughts, feelings and overall hidden energies.

What we sometimes perceive as imposter syndrome, or low self-esteem, is a result of other people’s projections, expectations and harsh judgments merging in our fields with our own consciousnesses. We then unconsciously begin to act smaller and dim ourselves in response. We unknowingly allow their denied insecurities to control our expression and creativity.

If you have struggled with this kind of energy a lot in your life, you may find this new moon gifted you with the ability to discern it more aptly, and to adjust your thoughts and feelings to match your true reality… opposed to absorbing other people’s stuff as your own.

In doing this more, you will see your frequency adjust to repel and attract in accordance with who and what is truly for you in your fullness, versus those who want to be sipping hatorade in corners and pockets of your reality - smiling in your face, but actually not wanting to see you do well because of their own stuff.

Any time you rise higher in your truth, you cast out the lies that have held you back, as well as the ones who may have been benefitting from you staying in that level of deception. You dislodge monitoring spirits and energy vampires, and the many wounded agendas they perpetuate on behalf of the social engineering structures of the false matrix.

You may find alot shifting in the aftermath of last week’s eclipse. As Mars continues to move through Cancer, it is also assisting in the clearing of emotional vampiric energies, and the many hidden karmic templates and agendas that were keeping you intimidated in moving forward more boldly in your purpose.

Mars is also very specifically clearing out the wounded mother energies that wounded so many of us and set us up energetically to be societal scapegoats. These “wounded mother” energies were purposely planted and perpetuated in the false matrix to keep us all wounded and in varying states of arrested emotional development. If you can keep a mother wounded and stuck, you get the keys to the creation of generational and cross generational trauma. This is why they enforced such violence against women and children specifically.

While maternal wounding and trauma imprinting happened for many of us in more personal ways, it is important to note that it was a wider collective energy purposely set into place to keep us all wounded and out of alignment with our true selves….just to varying degrees.

Our family and schooling environments were designed to groom us all - in our formative years- for the different roles in the hunger war dynamics the architects of this false matrix needed us all partaking in to keep their ruse alive.

From this space of collective woundedness, it was easy to create the bullying and victim relational paradigms that our social, commercial, community, political, and financial structures used to continually exploit and control us with. These paradigms enforced and perpetuated lack consciousness and comparison traps, set up through media especially, to cause more disparity and discord between us.

The false matrix loved creating these situations where some were rewarded and pedestalled, while others were denied and kept forcefully in their shadows, to perpetuate hatred, jealousy, and envy dynamics that nobody could then really talk about or explore because of the accompanying shaming and gaslighting tactics that were enforced to keep these behaviours running rampant but ‘hidden.’

This latest eclipse season has set off a new cycle of exposure where all the tactics designed to maintain the illusions and delusions of some being better than others, will continue to crack and fall apart. People who feel they need to be perceived as being superior to others, or buy into the many social agendas designed to perpetuate such nonsense, actually are the ones who tend to be the most impoverished on a soul level. Instead of healing their lack and owning their wounds, they project it onto others, which often causes grave injuries and injustices to the ones being projected upon.

The ability to do this, and get away with it, is diminishing more and more with every solar flare and ascension activation. The inversion tactics are backfiring, and those who have been forced to carry the brunt of other being’s inferiority complexes are rising up out of the rubble they were cast into, and handing back the burdens placed on them by those who were too cowardly to look at their own true reflections.

These are the beings masquerading as lions, when they are actually disobedient house cats that require domestication and training, because they don’t know how to act when they’re given any power. They use this gift to exploit and blow up their egos, instead of to genuinely uplift and empower others.

This is a common occurrence when someone is given something they don’t know how to wield or value, because they haven’t yet learned the proper soul lessons that would equip them to have access to what they now have wrongful access to….and are abusing. This is how you know when a being is living “out of its true bounds.” You can literally see the lower entities using their consciousness and vessel for their own selfish agendas in how they abuse any power or access they’ve been given. Think celebrity culture.

This is only the beginning of this new wave of exposure for these true imposters.

As the Sun continues to pelt the Earth, it will faithfully bring to the fore all that has been hidden and lurking in the shadows and keeping us all in ignorance and bondage. The next X class solar flare will be coming to us soon, and it will ignite and establish the new consciousness on this planet that all will be called to rise up and meet - as a minimum - if they want to move forward into true New Earth timelines.

The corruption that has been allowed to run rampant on our Earth always had an expiration date. And although these mother fuckers kept messing with timelines, transferring their karma, and attempting to continue with the destiny swapping shenanigans….they too knew they wouldn’t escape what has now landed here definitively and for good.

So continue to be true to yourself and your needs at this time. In doing so, you are wearing away at the glue that held the many deceptions and false projections together, which kept us all trapped in the illusions and inversions the false matrix needed us in to keep us duped and living below our value.

Allow for whatever needs to fall away and die, to do so now with grace. And enjoy the process of becoming who you always were and many never wanted you to wake up and see…let alone be.

Wishing you a deeply transitional day!

Solarah 💙✨

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